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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination

The Truth Has Changed Performance at El Rey Theater

November03 at El Rey Theater in Chico, CA

“The Truth Has Changed” is a solo monologue that traces the arc of American political life from 9/11 to Trump from a frontline perspective. From his experience as a first responder during 9/11, to his groundbreaking reporting on fracking, to his eye opening eco-flights over the Gulf of Mexico during the BP oil spill, to Hurricane Sandy, to the massive rallies for Bernie Sanders during the 2016 election and the Democratic Convention to Standing Rock and beyond, Josh Fox has been an active eyewitness to history. In “The Truth Has Changed,” Fox tells the story of this terrifying progression of American history from a front row seat.

More about the artist
Josh Fox is the founder and artistic director of the International WOW Company, a nonprofit formed in 1996 to create films, plays, and other works that address socioeconomic issues and foster participation in the political process. The group’s projects include Fox’s films Memorial Day(2008); Gasland (2010), winner of Sundance’s Special Jury Award for documentary; and Awake, A Dream from Standing Rock (2017). In 2016, Fox was awarded his third Environmental Media Association award for his film How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change. Fox is an ongoing supporter of Senator Bernie Sanders and served on the New York delegation to the 2016 Democratic Party Platform Committee, helping to pass an historic climate amendment that addressed carbon pricing, the phasing out of natural gas power plants, and adopting tougher standards for all federal energy projects. Fox’s reporting has appeared in The Daily BeastRolling Stone, and NowThis, among other outlets.

November03, 2.00pm

230 W 2nd St
Chico, CA 95928 United States