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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination

Story Time: Innosanto Nagara

November11 at Greenlight Bookstore—Fort Greene in Brooklyn, NY

Innosanto Nagara, critically-acclaimed author of contemporary classics A is for Activist and Counting on Community, presents his new picture book about direct action and civic engagement. The Wedding Portrait presents stories of people from around the world, standing up for what is right, bookended by the author’s own wedding story. In inspiring illustrations, we see ordinary people say No—to unfair treatment, to war, to destroying the environment. Innosanto Nagara has beautifully melded an act of love with crucial ideas of civil disobedience that will speak to young readers’ sense of right and wrong. Nagara presents his new book with an interactive reading & drawing story time! Ages 3 to 8.

November11, 11.30am

686 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217 United States