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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination

With the world coming to a grinding halt, we want to make sure we can come together as a community of readers. So we're trying a couple of new things, which will hopefully provide some kind of solace (or even just plain old entertainment) while we ride out the COVID-19 chaos. We're excited to introduce the Remote Reading & Storytime Series and the SSP Self-Isolation Book Club.

Stuck inside? Let's read together! Join us for the SSP Self-Isolation Book Club.

Here's the deal: Each Sunday we will solicit suggestions from our Twitter followers for the upcoming week's book club pick. Voters will be able to choose one of four options we provide. On Monday, we will release the winner as a free eBook download on our site for a 24 hour period.

Make sure you're following us on Twitter to hear about our weekly Self-Isolation Book Club picks and eBook giveaways!

To extend our support to our friends and readers of all ages around the globe, we're excited to announce the Remote Reading & Storytime Series.

Grab your partner, your kids, your dog, and your cat, and join Ariel Dorfman reading Rabbits' Rebellion (ages 8+), Chavisa Woods reading Things to Do When You're Goth in the Country (adult), Khary Lazarre-White reading Passage (adult), Rebecca Stefoff reading A Young People's History of the United States (12+), Innosanto Nagara reading A is for Activist (board book), and more. 

The weekly evening readings, which will feature authors, translators, and friends, kick off Thursday, March 19, at 7pm EST, with a reading from Alex DiFrancesco, author of All City, one of Entropy Mag's Best Fiction Books of 2019. Visit the Seven Stories Facebook page to catch the evening live stream, or visit our Instagram to tune into the reading on IGTV. 

The children's storytime readings, featuring books for a variety of age groups, take place on Wednesday and Friday mornings, beginning Friday, March 20th, at 11am, with Hal Schrieve sharing hir debut novel, Out of Salem, longlisted for the National Book Award for Young People's Literature (!).

Tune in to our Triangle Square Books for Young Readers Facebook page to watch the storytime live stream, or visit our Instagram to catch the reading on IGTV. 


We're adding new authors and new books each day, so double-check that you're following us on Instagram, and/or that you're following Seven Stories Press and Triangle Square Books for Young Readers on Facebook. 

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