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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination


Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union

by David Swanson

Book cover for Daybreak
Book cover for DaybreakBook cover for Daybreak

During the Bush Administration, there was a lot more going wrong in White House than meets the eye, and as we have now seen, it takes more than a new president to create the kind of change that is necessary.

Daybreak is a thorough investigation of how Bush/Cheney altered the way American government works and deteriorated the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It includes clear plans for how we may reclaim democracy, declare our rights, and truly set out for a new America. Shocking and inspirational, Daybreak provides a clear breakdown of all that we have lost, and all we stand to gain.

Book cover for Daybreak
Book cover for DaybreakBook cover for Daybreak

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“[Daybreak is] a useful guide to restore the balance of powers and reclaim our constitutional system of government.”

Daybreak urgently reminds us that good political intentions are not sufficient to ensure the continuation of our democracy; informed vigilance is vital to that task.”

“David Swanson's Daybreak impressively exposes all the ways our government has changed for the worse under the Bush administration, and makes clear that we need to do far more than elect a new president to see our tattered Democracy restored.”

David Swanson

David Swanson is cofounder of WarIsACrime.org (formerly AfterDowningStreet.org), the Washington director of Democrats.com, and a board member of Progressive Democrats for America. He served as press secretary for Dennis Kucinich’s 2004 presidential campaign and was a leading voice for the prosecution of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for war crimes. He continues to write for various websites pursuing political activism from the left. Swanson lives in Virginia.