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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination


How Bottom-Up Economic Prosperity Will Replace Trickle-Down Economics

by John Talbott

Book cover for Obamanomics
Book cover for ObamanomicsBook cover for Obamanomics

Bestselling author John R. Talbott, who predicted the current housing and mortgage crisis, discusses the possibility of a Barack Obama presidency based on justice and cooperation—principles that have not held sway in Washington, DC, for quite some time. Talbott's powerful grasp of finance allows him to connect the issue of financial inequality in America with our need as a people to embrace change.

Obama has shown he knows that divisions among races, religions, and political views have prevented Americans from coming together to solve the most important problems of our age. Obamanomics, infused with Obama's speeches, campaign policy statements, and other writings, describes a government acting according to democratic principles to enact lobbying reform, get our economy moving again, fix our healthcare system, slow global warming, prevent unnecessary wars, improve education, address the aging of our population, find alternative energy sources, and bring about housing, mortgage, and banking reform.

Book cover for Obamanomics
Book cover for ObamanomicsBook cover for Obamanomics

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“Author, media commentator and former investment banker Talbott gives fiscal politics a shot of excitement and, yes, hope as he explores … Obama's proposed bag of economic tricks. With reasoned but brutally blunt arguments, topics like corporate lobbying turn improbably fascinating; Talbott explains the system and its problems, and provides simple charts that will make average Americans blanch. Talbott delineates the differences between top-down and bottom-up economics, explaining the latter's advantages and how Obama's proposed policies will take us in the direction of greater economic justice and opportunity for average citizens. Quoting Obama at length, Talbott gives the impression of a man with the wisdom and will to reform many areas: healthcare, social security, housing and labor … Even if one disagrees with the solutions, Talbott will illuminate in quick order some vital issues for voters and taxpayers.”

John Talbott

A former investment banker for Goldman Sachs and Visiting Scholar at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management, John R. Talbott is the author of several books on economics and politics, including the prophetic The Coming Crash in the Housing Market, penned in 2003. Talbott has written for the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, and the Boston Globe, and he has appeared as a commentator on CNN, Fox, CNBC, and CBS.