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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination

Book cover for The Last Energy War
Book cover for The Last Energy War

The Last Energy War puts into unique historic perspective the theft of more than $200-billion perpetrated through electric power deregulation to bail out more than 100 failed American commercial reactors.

A fast-paced, shoot-from-the-hip "people's history," The Last Energy War is an accessible, entertaining, and infuriating narration of how the electric power business started, how it almost bankrupted the nation, and how it is now soaking the public to pay for its trillion-dollar atomic mistake. From the electric chair to Chernobyl, from Thomas Edison to Cleveland's "boy mayor" Dennis Kucinich, Harvey Wasserman's fascinating little book shows how the mega-utilities squashed solar power, how a military-utility alliance helped force atomic reactors down the public throat without a vote, and how a score of bought state legislatures have already handed corrupt utilities $200 billion in pure pork through a bogus deregulatory process. Merciless in its Robber Baron critique, The Last Energy War builds on American heroes such as Franklin Roosevelt and George Norris to offer a blueprint for how we can take back our power supply.

Relentlessly optimistic, it is the one book you must read to understand what's really happening to you when you turn on your lights—and then get the bill.

Book cover for The Last Energy War
Book cover for The Last Energy War

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Harvey Wasserman

Harvey Wasserman has been called “perhaps the best known reporter on nuclear topics” (by the San Francisco Review of Books). Author of Harvey Wasserman’s History of the United States, four other books, and innumerable articles and essays, he has been writing, speaking, and organizing worldwide on energy issues since 1973. His “Sixth Column” appeared bi-weekly for many years in the Columbus (Ohio) Alive. He is also senior advisor to the Nuclear Information and Resource Service.