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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination

Book cover for M is for Movement
Book cover for M is for MovementBook cover for M is for MovementBook cover for M is for MovementBook cover for M is for MovementBook cover for M is for Movement

From the author of A is for Activist, M is for Movement is the story of a child born at the dawn of a social movement. 

At first the protests were in small villages and at universities. But then they spread. People drew sustenance from other social movements in other countries. And then the unthinkable happened.

The protagonist in this fictionalized children's memoir by Innosanto Nagara is a witness and a participant, fearful sometimes, brave sometimes too, and when things change, this child who is now an adult is as surprised as anyone.

Innosanto Nagara Innosanto Nagara Innosanto Nagara

Book cover for M is for Movement
Book cover for M is for MovementBook cover for M is for MovementBook cover for M is for MovementBook cover for M is for MovementBook cover for M is for Movement

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“This imaginative and highly appealing children’s story, enlivened with brilliant artwork, focuses mainly on the shattering yet inspiring history of modern Indonesia, but has much broader resonance and outreach. Its lucid and powerful message is that ordinary people, with courage and dedication, can help create popular movements that change the world, even under the most onerous conditions. Lessons that could not be more pertinent for all of us today.”

“Innosanto Nagara has done it again—and how lucky we all are for that! M Is For Movement is another bold, bright, powerful book that uses a relatable personal narrative to relay a complex political history—and a necessary lesson in how ordinary people can create extraordinary change. It's a riveting, empowering, and visually stunning adventure.”

“Another powerful, empowering (dangerous, in a good way) book for readers of all ages by the incredible Innosanto Nagara, artist, writer, activist—a true superhero with superpowers of compassion, sensitivity, oodles of talent and heaps of love. Who can resist him? This is the book we all need in these times of division, confusion, violence. M is for Movement is a fable/memoir/story book that gives us history (of Indonesia) through a personal, engaging coming of age story. The text sparkles with insights and details that engage the reader in an important narrative of hope and solidarity. The illustrations are as mesmerizing and powerful as the text. I had to resist the urge to cut up the book and frame a half-dozen pages to hang on my walls. Best of all is the message Nagara delivers about the true superhero in the book, we, the people—we are a power to be reckoned with when we find each other and stand united. Read this book. Join the movement. See you on the streets!”

“A powerful narrative that encourages long-term awareness, work, sacrifice, and patience in order to effect change for all people. Inspiring.”

“This vividly illustrated fictionalized memoir demonstrates how ordinary young people can affect change through social movements. The unnamed protagonist, who is unidentified by gender pronouns (but is potentially the author), recounts instances of activism they witnessed growing up in Jakarta, Indonesia, in the 1970s... Timely and unique, this visually striking journey will encourage young people to fight for what they believe in.”

“In this fictionalized memoir, Nagara engages readers with a conversational approach, starting with his own beginning... In both his words and his dynamic, textured artwork, Nagara skillfully connects personal experiences to larger themes of social justice: neighborhood kids unite against bullies and teach a larger lesson of solidarity (“If you band together with others you can win”), and a movement that removes the Suharto regime from power in Indonesia after many decades reinforces the idea that revolution is a long game. Through these moving vignettes, Nagara offers a powerful reminder to readers that “it’s real people who make real social change movements a reality."”

“In these days when a young school girl is leading the charge against our political leaders in relation to environmental issues, this book will be a welcome read to any other children with a desire to implement change.”

“A unique and insightful read about the importance of public protest and speaking out against injustice. With its smooth read-aloud quality and vivid illustrations, this could be shared with a wide range of ages, from elementary school to adult.”

“Timely and unique, this visually striking journey will encourage young people to fight for what they believe in.”

Innosanto Nagara

Children’s book author and illustrator Innosanto Nagara’s books encourage children to grow up with confidence in themselves, and to be proactive citizens who are passionate about causes from environmental issues to LGBTQ rights and civil rights. Born and raised in Indonesia, Inno moved to the US in 1988. After studying zoology and philosophy at UC Davis, Inno moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, working as a graphic designer for a range of social change organizations before founding the Design Action Collective, a worker-owned cooperative design studio. Inno lives in Oakland in a cohousing community with nine adults and eight kids.

Inno’s first book, A is for Activist, started a movement in social justice book publishing for children. After it came Counting on Community, then My Night in the Planetarium and The Wedding Portrait. M is for Movement is the fifth title written and illustrated by Innosanto Nagara.

Inno’s books stand in solidarity with people of all ages, races, gender identifications, and backgrounds. They suggest that your family isn’t only yourself and your parents but also the community in which you live, the histories of those around you, and the natural environment on which we depend for our food and water and air. The ideas in Inno’s books may sometimes sound controversial, but they speak to us in a language that is pure common sense and in tune with our natural wishes and inclinations as human beings.