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Works of Radical Imagination

Book cover for The Emotional Load
Book cover for The Emotional LoadBook cover for The Emotional LoadBook cover for The Emotional LoadBook cover for The Emotional LoadBook cover for The Emotional Load

Translated by Una Dimitrijevic

After the success of The Mental Load, Emma continues in her new book to tangle with issues pertinent to women's experiences, from consent to the "power of love," from the care and attentiveness that women place on others' wellbeing and social cohesion, and how it constitutes another burden on women, to contraception, to the true nature of gallantry, from the culture of rape to diets, from safety in public spaces to retirement, along with social issues such as police violence, women's rights, and green capitalism. And, once more, she hits the mark.

Book cover for The Emotional Load
Book cover for The Emotional LoadBook cover for The Emotional LoadBook cover for The Emotional LoadBook cover for The Emotional LoadBook cover for The Emotional Load

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“Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of these drawings. With each stroke of the pencil, Emma tears at the patriarchy and tarnishes the veneer of a society whose injustices she denounces.”

“Emma makes feminist ideas accessible.”

Emma is a 36-year-old computer technician who lives in Paris but who says she learns "all over the place." She podcasts programs for the radio station France Culture, and her comics run in The Guardian. A former member of the collective Stop harcèlement de rue (Stop Street Harassment), she is confident that her feminist beliefs have now made it onto the "information superhighway" for good.

UNA DIMITRIJEVIĆ was born in Bosnia, grew up in Scotland, and now lives in France. She translates from Serbo-Croat and French into English. Her translations of The Mental Load: A Feminist Comic and The Emotional Load and Other Invisible Stuff were published by Seven Stories Press in 2018 and 2020.