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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination

Solving the Climate Crisis

Frontline Reports from the Race to Save the Earth

by John J. Berger

Book cover for Solving the Climate Crisis
Book cover for Solving the Climate Crisis

Groundbreaking solutions to the climate crisis from scientists, engineers, civic leaders, entrepreneurs and activists, offering hope to all readers concerned about our planet's future.

This book offers practical actions that reflect technological and economic advances, and features an introduction by former United States senator Russ Feingold.

Solving the Climate Crisis is a hopeful and critical resource that makes a convincing and detailed case that there is a path forward to save our environment. Illustrating the power of committed individuals and the necessity for collaborative government and private-sector climate action, the book focuses on three essential areas for action:

  • The technological dimension: move to 100% clean renewable energy as fast as we possibly can through innovations like clean-steel, “green” cement, and carbon-reuse companies;
  • The ecological dimension: enhance and protect natural ecosystems, forests, and agricultural lands to safely store greenhouse gases and restore soils, transforming how we grow, process, and consume food;
  • The social dimension: update and create new laws, policies and economic measures to recenter human values and reduce environmental and social injustice.

Based on more than 6 years of research, Berger traveled the nation and abroad to interview governors, mayors, ranchers, scientists, engineers, business leaders, energy experts, and financiers as well as carbon farmers, solar and wind innovators, forest protectors, non-profit leaders, and activists.

With real world examples, an explanation of cutting-edge technologies in solar and wind, and political organizing tactics, Solving the Climate Crisis provides a practical road map for how we effectively combat climate change. Replacing the fossil-fuel system with a newly invigorated, modernized, clean-energy economy will produce tens of millions of new jobs and save trillions of dollars. Protecting the climate is thus potentially the greatest economic opportunity of our time.

Watch a book trailer here:

Book cover for Solving the Climate Crisis
Book cover for Solving the Climate Crisis

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“Inspiring, lucid, and highly readable, Solving the Climate Crisis shows what we can do now in every realm of our economy and society to combat climate change. It’s a deeply insightful, knowledgeable, and passionate tour de force showing how the right policies implemented now could save the United States trillions of dollars while protecting our democracy and environment.”

“Solving the Climate Crisis is a vital tool and voice that is urgently needed right now. We do not need more books about doom-and-gloom and dysfunction. We do need to inspire decision-makers with a path forward and let wavering politicians and bureaucrats know that we can solve the climate crisis with a combination of personal, local, state, regional, national and global actions.”

“John Berger combines authoritative science, accessible writing and persuasive logic to provide a vital book for creating a future worthy of the next generations. His work is a gift to our best possibilities on this planet.”

“An important book that will have broad appeal not just to the millions concerned about climate change but to readers interested in new scientific and technological breakthroughs and in ways of sparking a national economic renewal.”

“John Berger has produced a critically important book at just the right time. In a moment of immense urgency on climate, John’s book walks us through the solutions and strategies the world needs to address the most important challenge of our time. His book is a ray of light in a challenging time.”

“If you’re looking for an authoritative, comprehensive, and highly readable account of the solutions that we have in our hands today to address the climate crisis, go no further than John J. Berger’s wonderful new book, Solving the Climate Crisis: Frontline Reports from the Race to Save the Earth.

“A scientifically reliable overview of currently available climate solutions, Solving the Climate Crisis provides thought-provoking coverage of proven, cost-effective technologies and strategies that could be scaled up to hugely reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the climate. Especially useful as an overview for introductory classes, the book also offers innovative policies that will interest students of transportation, industry, buildings, and the power sector, all presented in a lively, interesting style.”

“Comprehensive. Everyone will find at least one thing useful in here that they can do to help.”

“[A] sober presentation of mitigation techniques for our most significant global threat. . . . The author offers admiring portraits of hardworking individual activists, and. . . how to reduce and ultimately eliminate greenhouse gases.”

“Grounded in the latest scientific literature, Solving the Climate Crisis is a sweeping and authoritative environmental book about reining in carbon emissions and creating a more sustainable economy.”

“[Solving the Climate Crisis] is both educational and instructional, and, beyond that, satisfying, inspirational and well researched.”

“A call to action & a road map to help us confront the climate crisis — well worth reading.”

“This is the book to read if you want to understand just how many options and how close we truly are to a carbon neutral world. Please read the book, share and discuss with your family and neighbors.”

JOHN J. BERGER Ph.D. is an environmental science and policy specialist, prize-winning author, and journalist. A graduate of Stanford and the University of California, he has written and edited 11 books, including three previous books on climate change, and written over 100 articles on climate change and transitioning to clean energy. His journalism has appeared in Scientific AmericanLos Angeles TimesBoston Globe and others. He has been a consultant to the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, corporations, utilities, and the U.S. Congress, as well as a newspaperman, editor, and a professor at the University of Maryland. John co-founded the Nuclear Information and Resource Service to assist citizen safe-energy groups and founded Restoring the Earth, to bring environmental restoration to national attention. He lives in El Cerrito, CA.