LUZ DEL CARMEN SALAMA-TOBAR is a Salvadoran artist, photographer, and organizer. Born in Sonsonate, El Salvador, home of the Nahuat-Pipil Indigenous people, and raised in Falls Church, Virginia, after immigrating to the US, her work centers around her community. She received her BFA in Photography at the Maryland Institute College of Art in 2018 and was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship in 2019, during which time she taught as a visiting scholar at the University Don Bosco in San Salvador and began work with Kuna Nawat, an early immersion language program taught by the last native speakers of the Nahuat-Pipil language. She is cofounder of the Virginia-based abolitionist organization La ColectiVA and, with Noemí Delgado, cofounder of Cuidando A Las Que Nos Cuidan, a collective generating ongoing support for the last native speakers of El Salvador and the midwives of Suchitoto, Cuscatlán.
Books by Luz Del Carmen Salama-Tobar
by Asociación de Parteras Rosa Andrade (ARPA) , edited by Noemí Delgado and Luz Del Carmen Salama-Tobar, translated by Emma Lloyd