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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination

Book cover for Lovely Me
Book cover for Lovely Me

Foreword by Jon J. Salem and James M. Salem

Lovely Me: The Life of Jacqueline Susann is Barbara Seaman's pioneering biography of the author of Valley of the Dolls, The Love Machine, and other mega-sellers. It examines the life of a woman who exhibited amazing strength in every aspect of her life—from getting her writing published and promoted to fighting her ultimate adversary, breast cancer.

Book cover for Lovely Me
Book cover for Lovely Me

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“Riveting . . . beautifully written.”

“A mesmerizing narrative.”

“Packed with anecdotes, larded with gossip and dense with cultural complexity, Lovely Me will keep you laughing and pondering for a long time.”

“Seaman dishes out inside dope about Susann's roles in the greasepaint. Susann sexually zigged and zagged, and over the years acquired a tough hide, along with a butch reputation.”

Barbara Seaman

One of the nation’s most tireless health advocates, Barbara Seaman (1935-2008) co-founded the National Women’s Health Network and pioneered a new style of health reporting that focused on patients’ rights. Her groundbreaking investigative book, The Doctor’s Case Against the Pill, prompted Senate hearings in the 1970s that led to a warning label on oral contraceptives and the drastic lowering of estrogen doses due to dangerous health effects. Dedicated to reaching a wide audience, Seaman wrote columns for Brides Magazine, Ladies’ Home Journal, and Ms., inspiring women around the world to take control of their own health. Seaman was a founding advisory board member of and key advisor to Seven Stories Press.