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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination

Book cover for The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle
Book cover for The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail OracleBook cover for The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail OracleBook cover for The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle

Edited by Mike Golden

The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle collects d.a. levy's poetry, his collages—in both color and black-and-white—and other examples of his art, in a splendid large-format celebration of levy's unique contribution.

A visual artist, and an important figure in the concrete poetry movement, levy was also an activist and mystic who either committed suicide or was murdered at the age of twenty-six in East Cleveland. This occurred after two and a half years of intense media coverage, police harassment and court trials, and just as he was starting to be recognized as one of the most important geniuses of his generation.
With an investigative essay on Levy's life and mysterious death by Mike Golden.

Book cover for The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle
Book cover for The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail OracleBook cover for The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail OracleBook cover for The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle

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“We were the Meat poets, baby. We got down to the bone. levy, Doug Blazek in Chicago, Ole, some pretty good writing came out of that period. Not like today. Too many out there with too little to say.”

The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle is a fascinating text, reminding us yet again that the Sixties were a somber time and that aspects of fascism have always thrived in America. Mike Golden's work on d. a. levy is brilliant.”

“He was like Jeremiah. He had the potential to be a great religious writer—a prophet.”

d.a. levy

d.a. levy (1942-1968) was an underground poet and publisher from Cleveland. He is the author of The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle: The Art and Poetry of d.a. levy. He died, under mysterious circumstances, at the age of twenty-six.

Mike Golden

A poet, journalist, novelist, filmmaker, and award-winning playwright and screenwriter, MIKE GOLDEN is the editor and publisher of Smoke Signals, an alternative literary magazine, and he is the author of The Buddhist Third Class Junkmail Oracle: The Art and Poetry of d.a. levy. His essay on d. a. levy, Portrait of a Young Man Trying to Eat the Sun, received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts for narrative film development. He has spent the last several years covering the attempt to reopen the investigation into Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. Golden lives in New York.