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Works of Radical Imagination

Book cover for A Frozen Woman
Book cover for A Frozen Woman


Translated by Linda Coverdale

"Unflagging truth-telling … limpid perfection, uncluttered Gallic grace, words arranged in harmony." —The Los Angeles Times

Translated by Linda Coverdale

A Frozen Woman charts Annie Ernaux's teenage awakening, and then the parallel progression of her desire to be desirable and her ambition to fulfill herself in her chosen profession—with the inevitable conflict between the two. And then she is thirty years old, a teacher married to an executive, mother of two infant sons. She looks after their nice apartment, raises her children. And yet, like millions of other women, she has felt her enthusiasm and curiosity, her strength and her happiness, slowly ebb under the weight of her daily routine. The very condition that everyone around her seems to consider normal and admirable for a woman is killing her.

While each of Ernaux's books contain an autobiographical element, A Frozen Woman, one of Ernaux's early works, concentrates the spotlight unflinchingly on the author herself. Mixing affection, rage and bitterness, A Frozen Woman shows us Ernaux's developing art when she still relied on traditional narrative, before the emergence of the shortened form that has since become her trademark.

Book cover for A Frozen Woman
Book cover for A Frozen Woman

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“Unflagging truth-telling … limpid perfection, uncluttered Gallic grace, words arranged in harmony.”

“Annie Ernaux concisely charts telling moments during adolescence love, marriage, career, and motherhood …”

Annie Ernaux

The author of some twenty works of fiction and memoir, ANNIE ERNAUX is considered by many to be France’s most important writer. In 2022, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. She has also won the Prix Renaudot for A Man's Place and the Marguerite Yourcenar Prize for her body of work. More recently she received the International Strega Prize, the Prix Formentor, the French-American Translation Prize, and the Warwick Prize for Women in Translation for The Years, which was also shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize. Her other works include Exteriors, A Girl's Story, A Woman's Story, The Possession, Simple Passion, HappeningI Remain in DarknessShameA Frozen WomanA Man's Place, and The Young Man

Other books by Annie Ernaux