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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination

Book cover for Appeal to Reason
Book cover for Appeal to ReasonBook cover for Appeal to Reason

On the 25th anniversary of the muckraking newsmagazine In These Times, more than 20 leading progressive writers take a fresh look at where we as a nation have been and where we may be going.

The political lessons of the past suggest new directions for the future in new essays specially commissioned for this volume—on issues ranging from globalization and criminal justice to feminism and the environment. Richly illustrated with news and opinion clippings and photos from the magazine's first 25 years.

Contributors to Appeal to Reason include: Craig Aaron ∙ Pat Aufderheide ∙ Dean Baker ∙ Joel Bleifuss ∙ Sidney Blumenthal ∙ Roy Bourgeois ∙ David Brower ∙ Ana Carrigan ∙ Noam Chomsky ∙ Susan J. Douglas ∙ Martin Duberman ∙ Barbara Ehrenreich ∙ Thomas Frank ∙ Annette Fuentes ∙ Eduardo Galeano ∙ Juan Gonzalez ∙ David Graeber ∙ Fred Halliday ∙ Michael Harrington ∙ David Helvarg ∙ Doug Henwood ∙ Christopher Hitchens ∙ Paul Hockenos ∙ Doug Ireland ∙ Diana Johnstone ∙ John B. Judis ∙ Paula Kamen ∙ Michael T. Klare ∙ Naomi Klein ∙ Christopher Lasch ∙ Daniel Lazare ∙ Chris Lehmann ∙ Nelson Lichtenstein ∙ Robert W. McChesney ∙ Bill McKibben ∙ Scott McLemee ∙ David Moberg ∙ Michael Moore ∙ Salim Muwakkil ∙ John Nichols ∙ James North ∙ Nell Irvin Painter ∙ Robert Parry ∙ Rick Perlstein ∙ John Pilger ∙ Frances Fox Piven ∙ Arundhati Roy ∙ Edward Said ∙ Bernie Sanders ∙ Terry Southern ∙ Jeffrey St. Clair ∙ Ilan Stavans ∙ Sandra Steingraber ∙ Jason Vest ∙Alice Walker ∙ James Weinstein ∙ Fred Weir ∙ Paul Wellstone ∙ Lawrence Weschler ∙ Ellen Willis ∙ William Upski Wimsatt ∙ Alan Wolfe ∙ G. Pascal Zachary ∙ Slavoj Žižek ∙ And many more . . .

Book cover for Appeal to Reason
Book cover for Appeal to ReasonBook cover for Appeal to Reason

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“The sanity and common sense I receive from In These Times is my biweekly tonic. It helps keep me in good health physically and ethically.”

In These Times is the most creative and challenging newsmagzine on the American Left.”

In These Times has performed a unique and valuable service, never needed more than it is today.”

“At a time of growing media concentration, In These Times is an invaluable source of news and information that the corporate media would too often prefer to ignore.”

In These Times is a rare beacon of truth-telling amid that swamp of political propaganda known as the media.”

Craig Aaron

Craig Aaron is managing editor of In These Times. In addition to his work on Appeal to Reason, his writing has also appeared in the Progressive, the Memphis Flyer, and Internet Underground.

Robert McChesney

A longtime media analyst and critic of capitalism, Robert McChesney is the Gutgsell Endowed Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In 2002, he co-founded the Free Press, a media reform organization, and acted as its president until 2008. McChesney lives in Illinois.

Other books by Craig Aaron