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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination

Book cover for Censored 2020
Book cover for Censored 2020

Edited by Andy Lee Roth and Mickey Huff with Project Censored

Foreword by Sharyl Attkisson

Cartoons by Khalil Bendib

While the country's president displays a brazen disregard for the First Amendment and routinely demonizes the press as "the enemy of the people," Censored 2020: Through the Looking Glass looks beyond Donald Trump's dizzying contempt for the truth to clarify the corporate media's complicity in misinforming the American public—while also providing a clear vision of a better future, based on rigorous, trustworthy independent reporting that presents a fuller picture of truth. With a discerning eye, Censored 2020 focuses the public's attention on the most important but underreported news stories of 2018-2019. Edited by Project Censored's directors Andy Lee Roth and Mickey Huff, these stories expose the corporate news media's systemic blind spots while highlighting the crucial role played by independent journalists in providing the kind of news necessary for informed, engaged citizens. The book also examines this year's lowlights in "junk food news" and "news abuse"—further revealing how corporate news often functions as propaganda—as well as highlights of exemplary organizations that champion "Media Democracy in Action." Additional chapters address the importance of constructive journalism, the untold story of Kashmir, news coverage of LGBTQ issues in the Trump era, "fake news" as a Trojan horse for censorship, and online memes as a form of political communication.

Book cover for Censored 2020
Book cover for Censored 2020

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“Project Censored sets the standard for the Fourth Estate, shedding light on important stories that would otherwise remain obscure and allowing citizens to demand justice and solutions.”

“[Censored] should be affixed to the bulletin boards in every newsroom in America. And, perhaps, read aloud to a few publishers and television executives.”

“Project Censored is a lifeline to the world’s most urgent and significant stories. The Project’s list of the top stories . . . should in fact drive the reporting agendas of every major news outlet.”

“Whereas the mainstream media poke and peck at noteworthy events at single points in time, often devoid of historical context or analysis, Project Censored seeks to clarify understanding of real world issues and focus on what's important. Context is key, and many of its 'top censored' stories highlight deeply entrenched policy issues that require more explanation than a simple sound bite can provide.”

Mickey Huff

Since 2010, MICKEY HUFF has been director of Project Censored (founded in 1976), and has been president of its parent nonprofit, Media Freedom Foundation, since 2016. He has co-edited each annual volume of the book Censored dating back to 2009, and has contributed numerous chapters to those works. His most recent books include United States of Distraction: Media Manipulation in Post-Truth America (and what we can do about it) co-authored with Nolan Higdon (from City Lights Publishers, 2019) and Censored 2020: Through the Looking Glass (co-edited with long-time associate director of the Project, Andy Lee Roth). In spring of 2019, Huff won the Beverly Kees Educator Award as part of the 2019 James Madison Freedom of Information Awards from the Society for Professional Journalists, Northern California. Currently, Huff is professor of social science and history at Diablo Valley College, where he co-chairs the History Department. He is also a lecturer in the Communications Department at California State University, East Bay, and has taught Sociology of Media at Sonoma State University. He is also executive producer and cohost of The Project Censored Show, the weekly syndicated public affairs program that originates from KPFA in Berkeley, CA, and airs on roughly 50 stations across the US.

Andy Lee Roth

Andy Lee Roth is Editor-at-Large for Project Censored, a nonprofit news watch that opposes censorship and promotes critical media literacy. He edits the Project’s  yearbook series, State of the Free Press, and he coauthored The Media and Me: A Guide to Critical Media Literacy for Young People. He has taught courses in sociology at Sonoma State University, Pomona College, and Citrus College. His research and writing have been published in numerous outlets, including Index on CensorshipIn These TimesYES! Magazine, Truthout, The ProgressiveMedia Culture & Society, and the International Journal of Press/Politics. He earned a PhD in sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a BA in sociology and anthropology at Haverford College. A native of California, he now lives in Washington State.

Project Censored

PROJECT CENSORED, founded in 1976 by Carl Jensen at Sonoma State University, has as its principal objective the advocacy for and protection of First Amendment rights, including freedom of information. In 2008, Project Censored received the PEN/Oakland Literary Censorship Award. Most recently, Project Censored received the 2014 Pillar Award in Journalism and New Media, given annually to persons of conscience, conviction, and achievement who stand up for what’s right and what’s true in the face of corporate and political intimidation. For more information, visit www.projectcensored.org.

Andy Lee Roth

Andy Lee Roth is Editor-at-Large for Project Censored, a nonprofit news watch that opposes censorship and promotes critical media literacy. He edits the Project’s  yearbook series, State of the Free Press, and he coauthored The Media and Me: A Guide to Critical Media Literacy for Young People. He has taught courses in sociology at Sonoma State University, Pomona College, and Citrus College. His research and writing have been published in numerous outlets, including Index on CensorshipIn These TimesYES! Magazine, Truthout, The ProgressiveMedia Culture & Society, and the International Journal of Press/Politics. He earned a PhD in sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a BA in sociology and anthropology at Haverford College. A native of California, he now lives in Washington State.

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