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Seven Stories Press

Works of Radical Imagination

Book cover for 10 Years That Shook the World
Book cover for 10 Years That Shook the World

Internationally best-selling author and economist Loretta Napoleoni delivers a 100-page book that offers readers an insightful overview of the events that have shaped the past decade.

Beyond terrorism, 10 Years That Shook the World covers issues as diverse as financial policy, advances in science and technology, new economic policies, propaganda, environmental issues, the revolutionary powers of social media, and more.

Napoleoni presents events not in a strict chronology but more as we might remember them, often with the most significant events recalled first. Thus the main topics cross over constantly, showing how they are all interlinked and how globalization is speeding up the pace of change in our world. Told in short, tweet-like bursts of information, each chapter triggers readers' personal memories of those years and allows them to trace patterns throughout the decade.

Read an excerpt on Issuu here.

Book cover for 10 Years That Shook the World
Book cover for 10 Years That Shook the World

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“And in the flickering of news that has passed before our eyes over the years, [10 Years That Shook the World ] traces a different and deeper understanding of events than the black and white.”

Loretta Napoleoni photographed by Gianluca Moretto

A woman of the Left who garners praise from Noam Chomsky and Greg Palast at the same time as she is quoted respectfully in Forbes and the Wall Street Journal, LORETTA NAPOLEONI was born in 1955 in Rome. In the mid 1970s she became an active member of the feminist movement in Italy, and later studied as a Fulbright Scholar at Johns Hopkins University’s Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, DC. She began her career as an economist, and went on to work as London correspondent and columnist for La Stampa, La Repubblica and La Paîs. Napoleoni is the author of the international bestsellers Rogue Economics: Capitalism’s New Reality and Terror Incorporated: Tracing the Money Behind Global Terrorism. She has served as Chairman of the countering terrorism financing group for the Club de Madrid, and lectures regularly around the world on economics, money laundering and terrorism. Napoleoni lives in London and Montana.

Other books by Loretta Napoleoni